a picture is worth a thousand words
and that is especially true when looking at statistics
Here are additional charts for your favorites, , the , and the Tour
Note: Your favorites can be set or changed via your account page.
- Career Charts
- Historical Charts
- Tour Results for 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
GOLFstats provides many opportunities to view our data visually. Many of these charts have features such as
- Linking - clicking on a bar or point will take you to more detailed information
- Scroll Bars - many of our charts come in two segments. The upper segment shows detail for a smaller time period. The lower chart shows the entire time period (like an entire career), and moving the yellow rectangle will change the upper view to the selected range
- Multiple Data Sets - some of our charts, like 8 Year Glance, allow you on the right hand side to switch between different data sets
- Hover Info - all our charts offer you additional information by hovering over each data point
Here are some of the pages where charts are available
- Player Rankings
- Player Career Stats
- Player Career Charts
- Player 8 Year Glance
- Player Scores and Price Money per Year
- Tournament Historical Stats
- Tournament Career Charts
- Tournament 8 Year Glance
- Where Winners Come From
- Search by Tour
Furthermore, here are examples of the wide array of charts available on GOLFstats for all players, tournaments, and tours, available from the Player Career Stats page, the Tournament Historical Stats page, or via the other menu options on the home page dashboard.
So please enjoy the charts, and if you see any problems, or have any suggestions, please let us know.
Thank you.