Career Stats for Stephan JaegerSavePrintNew Search
Official World Golf Ranking: 40
Born: Tue,May 30,1989 - Eichenried, Germany
Age: 35y 7m 19d, Nationality: DEU
Height: 5'9, Weight: 170lbs
Home: Chattanooga, Tenn.
College: University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Turned Pro: 2012, Joined PGA Tour: 2018
Born: Tue,May 30,1989 - Eichenried, Germany
Age: 35y 7m 19d, Nationality: DEU
Height: 5'9, Weight: 170lbs
Home: Chattanooga, Tenn.
College: University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Turned Pro: 2012, Joined PGA Tour: 2018
Jaeger started playing golf at age 10. His parents, Sophie and Klaus, and sister, Michaela, are avid golfers and would all play on family vacations. As a kid, Jaeger played tennis, soccer, and street hockey. He still loves playing any sports, including volleyball and basketball, but admits he is "terrible" at the latter. Jaeger describes his accent as "southern American German." He was raised in a small town near Munich, Germany, before moving to the United States to atte...
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Player Career Chart (for all results recorded on all Tours in GOLFstats) |
Career at a Glance: Starts: 275, Cuts Made: 166 (60%), Top Tens: 31 (11%) , Rounds: 855, Scoring Avg: 70.17, Career Earnings: $11,738,672 - Best Finish: 1st (7 times)
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| Scores and Prize Money Performance Stats (box scores) Note: We have Performance Stats for most PGA TOUR tournaments since 1997 |
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